Revealing the Holy Trinity of 2018's SEO Content Revolution

Revealing the Holy Trinity of 2018’s SEO Content Revolution

Written by: Nicola Choi Posted on: 6th February 2018 Share this post:

With all these ‘trends’ in SEO for 2018, we’ve chosen a top three. Here’s how dapa will move forward with our SEO and content marketing services with those in mind.

As SEO evolves in 2018 with new trends floating around everywhere, it’s undoubtedly difficult to keep track of everything. But as SEO evolves, so will dapa. Hopefully, by pushing ourselves ahead, we’ll become the place to go for SEO advice and management. But firstly, we’re going to give you a quick run-down of just how the evolution of content’s importance will shift the SEO landscape.

SEO Content Writing

Ultimately, we want our clients to succeed and blossom in 2018. Furthermore, this was always part of our ethos

“We jump from old school, to new tactics and thought leading practices at the drop of a hat to ensure each of our tailored customer strategies is excelling.”

With so many ‘SEO trends in 2018’ type guides floating about on the Internet, like I said earlier, it’s understandably easy to get lost in all the results. Rand Fishkin, founder of Moz, asked Twitter what they thought the most important trends of 2018 would be. Listen to the people, Mr. Fishkin…And he did.

Credibility within content.

Firstly, hats off to Twitter user Dan Kern for this:

Within this tweet, he stresses the importance of content among other things. Gone are the days where we prioritise building a page’s ranking simply via behind-the-scenes SEO methods, solely. Of course, we still rely heavily on those factors and they will always, always be important to us—and therefore to you! But in terms of content, we’re hoping to push this boat out to the waters of success…

We’re not 100% focused on churning out a dozen low-quality blog posts for you when now, it’s clear other websites are looking for credible sources. So, in order to attain the backlinks we want, we’re going to push out high-quality, imaginative, creative content curated just for you.

Recently, on our blog, we created a post on common website design mistakes. This is the kind of specialist, informative content we hope we can get out there to help you. But mostly, we hope it gives you some sort of indicator of how well-researched and detailed our posts can be.

The importance of SERP analysis.

Yoast SEO on WordPress might give the indication that one keyword rules them all…but Google has stomped on that theory. We can’t deny it: Google has stormed its exams this year and come out the other end with a glittering transcript. Quite simply, Google has gotten cleverer and we all know this. The question is: how do we adapt to that?

The importance of keyword density, placement within content, headers, meta description, image alt text—this is still all relevant. But Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) means that related terms also contribute heavily to the relevancy of your page.

And again, this relates to the shift in focus on content. It means you won’t be getting any more blog posts with keywords stuffed to its brim in an effort to help it rank. It means your posts should read more naturally, which again goes back to us boosting the quality of your content.

Great content; great experiences!

You might get the super-subtle hint we’re sending your way of the importance of content this year. But as much as it sounds like we’re nagging, we’re only doing so because content is king in 2018.

A huge requirement is to be as personable as possible. Representing clients in the closest way, from their tone to their voice to their mission, this can be heavily reflected in close-knit relationships with clients. It’s worked in the past for us, so we’re sure it’ll work for you.

It might be Valentine’s Day in February, but aim to gift your customers quality content every month.  

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