Regions Leading Search Engine Optimisation Specialists
Search engine optimisation is the process of ‘nudging’ Google to rank your website better. dapa are the regions leading specialists, give us a call if you need some more information and how we can help.
‘Location, location, location’ is a phrase traditionally associated with the success of a business, but is it still relevant today?
Establishing a business in a well-populated and affluent location is no longer a guarantee for success simply because lesser and lesser people are actually venturing out of their house to buy stuff these days.
Maybe the ‘location, location location’ phrase still holds true for businesses today, but not in the traditional sense.
We live in an online era, one that is controlled by a supreme overlord ‘Google’ (along with other search engines).
Today it is perhaps more important for a business to be ‘located’ in the right place online.
Every business craves to be ‘visible’ these days, especially online and in search engines and therefore Search Engine Optimisation is vital for businesses to maximise their visibility.
You might have designed the greatest site ever, very graphic intensive and user friendly, but will it be of any use to your business, will it generate more leads, if your potential target audience is clueless about it?
How will potential customers find you online? Customers today look for businesses online through search engines, especially Google.
Therefore, it is important to optimise your site for search engines. This is where search engine marketing and DAPA come into the picture.
We are DAPA, the search engine optimisation specialists (some call us search engine optimisation superheroes but we like to be humble about it).
While you can count on us to help you with literally all aspects of your website, from conceptualising its design to creating all the content, its search engine optimisation where we really make a difference.
DAPA is home to the biggest and most talented team of search engine optimisation specialists in the region.
The team here includes search engine optimisation specialists, project managers, a content team, and of course the best web developer in the area.
Your website will no longer be ignored by search engines, we will make sure of that.
What Is search engine optimisation?
Search engine optimisation is basically about using techniques or strategies that are designed to drive a greater amount of traffic to a website through organic results of search engines.
It is a way of marketing your website and like other marketing strategies the goal is to improve the visibility of your business, improve its brand awareness and to generate more leads.
There are two types of search engine optimisation strategies that you can use for your website, White Hat and Black Hat SEO.
White Hat search engine optimisation is a term that denotes the use of optimisation techniques and strategies that are more focused on the visitors of your website whereas Black Hat SEO refers to techniques that are used to manipulate search engine algorithms, paying no attention to the visitors of a website.
Black hat is a more spammy method of search engine optimisation, so while it might give your rankings a great initial boost, it does not adhere to Google recommended guidelines and thus leaves you open to a Google penalty or ban.
At DAPA our focus is to make your website rank high on Search Engine Results Pages or SERPs by using optimising techniques that are strictly white hat in nature.
We strive to ensure that every website we are working on ranks high organically and continues to deliver results for a business from a long-term perspective.
We do not promise any magical formulas or instant success, but we guarantee that our strategies will provide value for your website for years to come.
What is the point of search engine optimisation?
Free traffic
The whole point of search engine optimisation is diverting a large volume of free traffic to your website.
Think of Google as your broadcast avenue (for example a TV), if you rank high on a Google SERP, your ‘Ad’ will be on display in front of many new potential customers who are already on the lookout for a product or a service that your business provides.
Search engine optimisation in essence gives you FREE advertising on a search engine (Google) that dominates around 90% of the market in the UK.
It provides you with single greatest source of organic traffic that your website is likely to receive.
Basically it can prove to be THE deciding factor in determining the success or failure of your business in today’s increasingly online business landscape.
Maybe you still believe that it is possible to rank on SERPs by creating a quality website with great content and a pleasing user experience without any specialist search engine optimisation experience.
The funny thing is this could even have been true in years gone by, but these days the competition for ‘free advertising’ on Google is so intense that it is virtually impossible to compete without the assistance of search engine optimisation specialists.
How do create a search engine optimisation strategy that ‘works’ for your business?
There are always two factors we consider before deciding on the type of strategy we want to employ for a particular website.
Firstly, we think about the type of site we are optimising and the niche its operating in along with the kind of content Yahoo or any other search engine wants to return to its users in its organic SERPs.
Also, we weigh the long term and short-term risks in a particular strategy when optimising to rank high in search engines.
Google has ensured though its updates (Panda and Penguin) that optimisers can no longer manipulate search engine rankings through spammy techniques.
So, the goal of any search engine optimisation strategy we create is to rank to high naturally by optimising the content of a website to provide unique and relevant content while also making sure that the website provides users with a tremendous user experience.
Here are some key elements of a search engine optimisation strategy:
- Link Building
- Content Blogging
- Keyword density
- Heading tags
- Meta information
Link building
Link building is one of the most crucial aspects of search engine optimisation and a building block of any campaign. Any inbound link or backlink that your website receives acts as a vote of confidence towards your website.
Think of it similar to how you feel for example if Ed Sheeran retweets your tweet or Wayne Rooney ‘likes’ your tweet. When a celebrity acknowledges you on social media, it kind of makes you feel cooler by association, doesn’t it?
Inbound links to your website serve a similar kind of purpose. If your website receives a backlink from an online authority like Wikipedia or W3C, it means that your website will be considered as an authority which will boost your online rankings significantly.
A link from a relevant website or an online business authority indicates that there is merit in the content of your website. Such a link is called a quality back link. It is also known as one-way link since you do not have to give back a link in return.
Our approach towards link building is not just about the quantity of inbound links a website receives, instead we focus on the quality of back links received, by prioritising links from reputable sites with online domain authority who operate in a similar niche to the site we are working on.
It takes a lot more effort to achieve this, but we have found that the rankings reward usually justifies the time and energy we have spent.
Content Blogging
These days search engines like Bing care more about the user experience a site provides to its visitors. If a site exists solely to make money, it is viewed as spam in the eyes of most major search engines.
Therefore, it is important for each website to be of value to a visitor and the content of a website goes a long way in ensuring that.
Content blogging is a great way to interact with existing customers while also providing you with a means to reach out to potential new customers.
A study has shown that a good blog strategy makes a website thirteen times more likely to get at positive return on investment when compared to non-bloggers.
We are proud to have a talented team of content specialists who can create a unique strategy for your website and also tailor the content as per the needs of your business as well as the expectations of your customer base.
Keyword density
Keyword research and analysis is perhaps the first step of any search engine optimisation campaign.
It is important to first identify the key search terms or phrases that potential customers are entering into a search engine before they buy a product or service that your business provides.
Once the key words or phrases are identified, we look to devise a content strategy that makes your website relevant and useful to any potential customer.
Is there such a thing as perfect keyword density these days? No, there is no one magical formula that decides the optimum density of keywords on a page.
Maybe before it was possible to stuff your content with keywords and expect to rank high in search engine results pages, but such a practice might get your site banned or penalised in today’s search engine optimisation climate.
So, we focus on creating a unique content strategy for your website and look to insert keywords into the content naturally or at least not in a way that quite obviously resembles keyword stuffing.
Meta Descriptions
The meta description tag provides an accurate snapshot of a page’s content.
We look to create a unique meta description for each page of a website we are working on, because sometimes it is used by Google as a search snippet for a particular query.
This meta information should be as relevant as possible to the content on a particular page, so that when a potential customer comes across a link to a page of your website, they are tempted to click it.
We always look to ensure that we create a unique description for each page of a website. If a Meta description is stuffed with keywords, it appears spammy and nonsensical which reduces your chances of getting user click through from search engine result pages.
Heading Tags
HTML header tags or heading tags are used to differentiate the main heading of a page along with the other sub headings to the remaining content on the page.
The header tags H1 to H6 form a top to bottom hierarchy. For example, if you use the H1 tag on your page first, it should be followed by the H2 tag and then the H3 tag and so on.
You cannot use a H3 tag after a H1 tag as it breaks the heading structure and affects your optimisation efforts.
You can also use the alt tag to provide a description for the image used in your content to help it rank for image searches. Remember there is no point in embedding text in an image, as search engines cannot crawl text embedded in an image.
Dos and don’ts of search engine optimisation
Do: Create A Content Strategy After First Identifying Important Keywords
Firstly, make sure that your page’s title tag is related to the content used on the page. You have about 55 words to create an appealing title for your page before Google cuts it short.
Make sure that your content is original, unique and provides value to visitors. Do not just aim for volume when creating a content strategy, as search engine these days can comprehend language and context. So, instead of stuffing your content with keywords, try using a similar meaning key phrase or long term variations of the keyword.
Don’t: Use Large Copies Of Duplicated Content
Duplicating the content of your own website might not harm your search engine optimisation but it does not help it either.
On the other hand, copy pasting a large volume of content from external sites onto your pages can harm your search engine optimisation efforts.
Search engine algorithms do not index duplicated content and as a result they provide you no mileage with regards to your search engine optimisation strategy.
Do: Link To Relevant Sites With High Domain Authority
Getting link juice is vitally important for your website from a rankings perspective but the priority should be to get quality links from highly reputable websites in your niche.
Its really important for search engines to know where your website is located on the web.
If the bulk of the links you receive is from spammy, unreliable sites, you will be located in a ‘bad neighbourhood’ as far as most search engines are concerned and your rankings suffer accordingly
You should look to receive inbound links from reputable sites in your domain, the ones that have already established an online domain authority.
Don’t: Link To External Sites Often
Google has stated on record that it is now starting to penalise websites with unnatural outbound links. Therefore, linking often and unnecessarily to external sites can affect your website’s SERP rankings.
Also, it can be argued that including a lot of outbound links in your content can make it appear more spammy. This will make your content less appealing and lead to increased bounce rates.
What can dapa do for you?
You can count on us to deal with any/all search engine optimisation problems you might have. From conducting SEO audits to consultancy to full fledged SEO of your website, DAPA does it all.
We do not guarantee a magical fix to all your problems (and we strongly advise against choosing firms that give you such promises), but we can assure you that in time we can achieve all the long-term search engine optimisation targets of your business.
We are honest to all our clients (sometimes quite bluntly) and are always at hand to fill you in or answer any queries you might have with regards to the progress of your campaign.
If you need help with your search engine optimisation strategy, contact us at dapa Marketing on 0800 634 3007 to find out more about our services.