Freelance SEO London? Start here…
If you’re looking for a freelance SEO consultant, you’ve found yourself in the right place; well, kind of.
Time to own up, we’re a business, not a freelancer. But the reason you find yourself here should be the same reason we discuss your options.
We’re great at SEO.
It’s all we do really. We can build websites and make fancy graphics, but we prefer to leave that to the people who specialise and are passionate about it.
Going by the name of dapa Marketing, we have the ability to transform your website from sad to snazzy, with your rankings shooting to the top of the search results.
We don’t pretend to know one special magic trick which will get you to the first result with one slight of hand, but we do know how to get great search results, and we’ve already started proving that by getting you onto this very page.
SEO is our specialism; we have made our success from it, and we like to help our clients out in the same way when you work with us.
At dapa Marketing, we believe that any good idea can become a massive success when it is marketed correctly, and as SEO is one of the biggest, most innovative marketing strategies available today, and with no sign of Google going away any time soon, this is currently the best marketing investment decision you could make.
As the leading freelance SEO consultant in London, we have the skills, knowledge and expertise within our team to get you the exposure you need via the most extensive platform in existence: Google.
So, if you’re ready to get results, and expand your business, you’re looking in the right place.
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Get Started Now!How does freelance SEO work?
Many people know that they need to do something about their SEO, and have heard the phrase bandied around many times before, but not many people really understand what exactly it is.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation.
It means making your website the best it can be for the purposes of appearing on Google.
A website which has good SEO will appear higher up the search results, whereas a website which has not been optimised will not rank very well, and will appear much lower on the search results, where people are unlikely to look.
Most people are aware that the first results which appear on a Google search get the most clicks on them; we call this traffic.
This means that the higher up your website appears on the search results, the more people will see your website and consider buying into your products or services.
On the other hand, if you have bad SEO, your website will appear on the later pages of a Google search, sometimes failing even to rank at all.
If this is where your website is sitting, it is unlikely that you will gaining much from your website.
Having great SEO automatically means that you will gain more traffic; this also means more conversions.
Sounds simple, but unfortunately, like most things which are worth anything, good SEO is a little more complex.
Since the opportunities for high rankings are so extensive, it is important to note that everyone in your industry will also be grappling for those top spots too, so you will be against many competitors to reach the top spots.
Not to fear, dapa are here. As the top freelance SEO consultant in London, we have worked with clients from a variety of industries, some even in the most competitive industries, and some who initially ranked shamefully low before working with us.
In all cases, we have the ability to create individual strategies for all of our clients, so that whatever your current position you can be sure that the only way is up when you work with us.
Here are some statistics on SEO…
We’re sure that by now you’re completely sold on SEO and how much you need it, but just in case you’re still pondering on what the point of it is, we’ve complied some juicy statistics for you to consider.
Google is one of the most massive platforms for marketing, and it is continuing to grow faster than any other.
Advances in the internet and devices which allow people to search in any location are constantly developing and advancing, and those trends are becoming more and more popular for everyday users who want an easy way to find the information and services they are looking for.
Google receive over 57,000 searches every second, and some of these searches are for products and services which you could provide.
In fact, people rely on Google for their purchases so much, that it has been researched that 90% of all purchases start with a Google search.
Hefty numbers, right?
So, it’s quite obvious that Google is an imperative platform to get your website noticed, and if your website is lagging behind on page 56 of the search results it’s pretty obvious that it’s not going to be the first choice.
In reality, it is only marginally likely that your website will be noticed even if it’s on the second page of the search results, with over 90% of users stating that they never look beyond the first page of search results.
On top of that, it has been researched that the top three organic results in a search receive between 60 and 80% of the search results.
So, if you’re seriously struggling, it’s not very likely that you’re seeing much of the benefit of your website.
You might have considered a Google Ads campaign as opposed to an SEO campaign, for which your website will be displayed at the top of the search results, before any organic results with an Ad symbol by the side.
Problem solved, right?
Well, think again, as the websites which get to the top via a Google Ads campaign only receive a measly 15% of the traffic which is acquired in a Google search.
So, a Google Ads campaign might be an appealing option for a quick fix, but in reality it will not generate the same really significant results as an SEO campaign with a freelance SEO consultant in London.
So, if you’re looking for a great innovative way to market your company, what better way than to utilise your website to the max; via the biggest and still growing marketing opportunity available: SEO.
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Get Started Now!A bit about us
Many companies come to us with preconceptions of SEO, having tried it themselves, hired in-house SEO workers, and sometimes even been through other freelance SEO consultants in London, mostly with no luck.
dapa Marketing are here to change your perspective on SEO and what it involves.
So, by now we’re hoping you know the magnitude of the opportunities available via an SEO campaign, and it’s time for us to tell you a bit about who we are and what we’re all about.
We are dapa Marketing, a leading freelance SEO company in London.
Starting as one man in his bedroom, SEO skills were utilised to grow and create a full on company, and now as a 40 person strong team, we have not only gained skilled members of the team, specialising in various aspects of SEO, but we have also gained experience, expertise and a plethora of knowledge along the way.
At dapa Marketing, we treat every client as an individual case, devising different strategies accordingly.
We specialise in SEO, and nothing else.
So, if you want more services than just SEO from us, we might not be the right company for you.
However, we are committed to everything SEO and all that surrounds it, and if you want the best services around, you can rest assure that you are in the right place.
We are focused on achieving one goal, and that’s improving your rankings. We know how valuable that service can be for your business growth, and we want to make sure that you receive the best possible services.
Many companies try their hand at SEO, make a small initial impact and then fall behind shortly after.
This is because SEO is a constantly changing industry, with Google changing their requirements for top rankings on a very regular basis.
Having been a committed freelance SEO consultant in London for many years, we have kept up to date with all the changes and advances in Google algorithms which occur, and we continue to do so all the time so that both our company and yours never fall behind in the rankings. In terms of SEO, what is important to you is important to you, so you can rest assured that we do it.
At dapa Marketing our own rankings speak for themselves.
You found us, and with the same efforts we can help you to be found by your potential clients.
As a specialist freelance SEO consultant in London who have made our success via the massive platform of SEO, we are of the belief that if a company has good foundations with a sound idea and business plan, SEO can get you anywhere.
With the right exposure, your business can soar into the realms of success, and what better way to initiate this than to use SEO the most extensive platform going?
What do dapa Marketing actually do?
If you have been ranking shamefully lowly for years and can’t believe that one freelance SEO consultant in London can turn your rankings around, you might be wondering what it is that we actually do here at dapa Marketing to get your website ranking at the top of the search results.
Well, considering we are a freelance SEO consultant in London who gain all our profit just from that very skill, unfortunately for you we can’t let you into the secrets of our exact processes.
However, we want you to trust us that we know what we’re doing even if you don’t. So, we can give you a quick overview of what we can help you out with in order to achieve those outstanding results we are aiming for.
Keyword targeting
Keyword targeting is one strategy which a good freelance SEO consultant in London, like dapa Marketing will employ.
Keywords are the words or phrases your potential clients are likely to search for when they are looking for services or products you could provide. When targeted correctly with good SEO, your website will then appear at the top of the search results for these keywords.
In order to reach out to as many potential clients as possible it is highly important to choose your keywords carefully.
They need to be relevant, search worthy, and realistic to make an impact in your rankings.
SEO campaigns are based around the concept that a company would like their business to rank well on Google search results.
However, it is highly unlikely that your company website, which has a target audience, and industry, and a niche, will rank for every keyword going.
What’s more, this will be completely pointless as an irrelevant company will not be visited by a Google user, nor will it be considered when they are searching for something particular.
Instead, you will need to target your audience carefully to ensure that you are getting the most for your campaign.
For this reason, keywords are targeted to obtain the best results in an SEO campaign and ensure that your investment is aimed at people who are likely to convert.
At dapa Marketing choosing your keywords is one of the most vital initial steps to your campaign. On initial consultation of your SEO campaign, we discuss potential keywords with you which may be targeted for your campaign.
We work with you to decipher what your company is all about, and what people are likely to search for when they are looking to invest in a company like yours.
Our expertise in SEO along with your knowledge in your industry is the perfect combination for coming up with keywords together.
Once we have discussed some keyword opportunities with you, we then conduct extensive research into the options surrounding the keyword we have discussed.
This involves researching how many people are searching for these keywords, and how much competition there is for ranking for the keywords.
We will then go back to you with options for the keywords which we believe will be the most lucrative for your campaign, along with a strategy for the campaign.
Google have made their success by giving their clients what they want: results which are relevant to their search terms and are of good quality.
Google will only rank websites which are high quality, and for this reason, it is highly important to make sure that your website’s onsite features are good.
This will ensure that it has the potential to reach the top spots when combined with all the other elements of our work.
Although once your SEO campaign is up and running the onsite element will only account for around 20% of the actual campaign, it is still of extremely high importance to the success of your rankings growth.
The onsite element of your campaign is the foundations of the entire SEO campaign, and consists mainly of all the elements of the website which can be seen by your visitors, and which are experienced by your visitors, for example the usability of your website and the conversion opportunities.
A good freelance SEO consultant in London will combine both onsite SEO techniques with offsite SEO techniques.
At dapa Marketing, we have in house web developers who are able to optimise the onsite element of your website for the purposes of increasing your rankings on Google.
There are hundreds of elements of the campaign which are to be optimised for the sake of your SEO campaign, but some of the main opportunities for optimisation are listed below:
- Meta tags
- Title tags
- Image alt tags
- Image descriptions
- Loading times of your website
- Fixing broken links
- Keyword density
- Design of the website
- Calls to action
On initial consultation with dapa Marketing, we analyse the usability of your website and look at what needs to be done in order to optimise the onsite element of the campaign.
If needs be, our in house web developer will work on the design of your website, to make sure your onsite SEO is top notch.
Once we have optimised the onsite element your website initially, we don’t stop there.
We make sure that your website doesn’t fall behind on the current website designs so that your website always looks good and on trend, appealing to as many clients as possible.
Our in house web developer is always on hand to offer any advice on your website, so there is no need to worry about anything going wrong with your website, as we are here to support you.
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Get Started Now!Offsite
Once the campaign is up and running, the offsite element of the campaign takes over, and accounts for around 80% of the success of your rankings.
From the most basic perspective, the rankings on Google search results are much like a popularity contest.
Google order websites according to how well received they are by visitors, their relevance, quality, authority and trustworthiness, among any other factors.
When websites are popular, they naturally gain many links going towards them, as people rate them, refer to them and recommend them.
In an SEO campaign done by a good freelance SEO consultant in London such as dapa Marketing, we work to create a campaign which replicates that of a website with a naturally high authority.
This involves creating an architecture of backlinks which go to your website, making it look highly regarded by many other trusted sites within the online community.
At dapa Marketing, we understand the importance of creating a great campaign which looks natural to Google robots.
If a campaign looks forced or unnatural, you will likely be doing more bad than good for your campaign, and it is possible that Google will impose penalties on your website, meaning that your rankings could become lower, or in worst case scenarios you could even be stopped from ranking at all.
For this reason, it is highly important to take precautions when link building to your website. For example, it is advisable to make sure that the links which go towards your website are of varying levels of authority.
Some links should be low authority, such as comments on online articles, whereas others could be of higher authority such as mini sites.
When creating links, it is also highly important to make sure that they are all good quality, including original, useful and quality content, whatever their level of authority.
If your links look like spam or are untrustworthy, it is highly likely that your website will be analysed to be untrustworthy, and you could gain penalties from Google.
A good freelance SEO consultant in London will ensure that all link created towards your site are of good quality and contain brilliant content written by specialist writers.
It is also important to ensure that the site or article you are linking from is well established, trustworthy, and relevant.
This will ensure that your campaign is relevant to the keywords you are targeting, and both the link and your site is more likely to be analysed as trustworthy for higher rankings.
When considering employing a freelance SEO consultant in London, it can be difficult not to get caught up in numerous offers from companies who claim you are able to ‘buy’ links from them.
Be very wary of these offers, as it is highly likely that they will not be quality links, may be imposed all at once, and could therefore cause you to gain penalties from Google for a spammy or unnatural looking campaign.
At dapa Marketing, our content team work with specialist link builders to ensure a quality job is completed on all the links which are built.
Our content writers are experienced in creating original, quality content, and our link builders know how to obtain good, working links which direct to your page.
Whilst it is highly important that the links are all of good quality, it is not likely that they will actually be read by people who will convert on your site, and that it not the purpose of the links.
Instead, the links will be read and analysed by Google robots, which can see the quality of the links and will take them into account when ranking your website.
You can rest assured that all the links towards your website are doing the world of good for your campaign, as all our work is done in house, and we never outsource any content or link building to other companies.
This ensures a high standard of links at all time for the growth of your campaign.
Google make money from the Ads campaigns which are placed at the top of the search results, and companies who rank highly organically cause Google to lose money, as these companies do not need their Ads services.
For this reason, Google deliberately ensure that the task of making it to the top of the search engine results is a difficult one.
Google also want the best, most relevant companies to be placed at the top of their search results, to ensure that their own service is spot on for users.
Although Google accredited companies like ours can conduct extensive research and come close to the true answers, only employees of Google really know the full recipe for great rankings, and even then, one person does not know a particular secret to success.
To ensure that their standards are always met, and so that people can’t get to the top of the search results very easily, Google are constantly changing their algorithm requirements.
This means that the technique of SEO is also constantly changing, developing and increasing in complexity, and it can be difficult to keep up with what needs to be done to maintain those rankings.
At dapa Marketing, many companies come to us with some experience of having tried SEO in the past.
They may have hired someone in house, tried their hand themselves or hired a different freelance SEO consultant in London.
Many companies attempt their own SEO, and some gain a small amount of initial success with their campaign, only to quickly fall behind when Google change their algorithms.
At dapa Marketing, we are committed to researching SEO and keeping up with the trends, so that we never fall behind on SEO, and neither do you.
We have a research team who are constantly developing new ideas and experimenting with SEO to decipher which strategies work best for increasing your rankings.
Our focus is SEO, and that is what we prioritise.
SEO is our passion, so you can count on us to keep up to date with all the advances, and in turn that will also benefit you as we implement them on your website too.
Could I just do SEO myself?
Yes, it’s true, you might have caught on that you probably could just do your SEO for yourself.
There is no magic answer, there is plenty of useful information online, and it’s not exactly rocket science.
However, there’s a reason that you landed on this page, and most of the time people choose to employ a freelance SEO consultant in London because they do not have the time, resources, patience, know-how, or motivation to make a real impact on their rankings.
At dapa Marketing, we don’t pretend to know all the secrets to top rankings, we don’t promise first position rankings when your main competitor is eBay, and we don’t promise unrealistic time scales for a highly competitive campaign.
Here at dapa Marketing, we are a freelance SEO consultant in London who have the resources you need to create a great SEO campaign.
We receive many enquiries from clients who have tried and failed at other SEO methods, sometimes ending up in a worse situation than they were in the first place.
Whatever your previous experiences with your SEO, we have the ability to turn your campaign around and really make a difference to your position on Google search results.
How much will SEO cost me?
Before you get your hopes up, there is no direct answer to this question.
At dapa Marketing, we don’t have set packages for clients; instead we tailor each and every campaign, along with the price according to your requirements, aims, the competitiveness of your industry, the location of your campaign, and the keywords you would like to target.
Generally speaking, a campaign which is more competitive, includes more keywords and is targeted nationally or in a very popular location such as London will be more expensive.
On the other hand, campaigns which are less competitive, are targeted locally, with less keywords will be less pricey.
When we organise your initial proposal, we will work with you to discuss a strategy, campaign and budget which is realistic and achievable for your company.
We will also be able to let you know the timescales we think are realistic for you to be reaching your targets.
To get an idea of what some of our clients pay for our services, our smaller clients who are just starting out with localised campaigns and just a few long tailed keywords pay a few hundred pounds a month.
An example would be a company providing local plumbing services, targeting keywords such as ‘toilet repairs Kettering’.
Whereas, our larger clients who are targeting very competitive industries in a national or very competitive area can pay thousands of pounds a month on their SEO.
An example of this type of client is a PPI claims company, targeting keywords such as ‘PPI claims’.
On of the reasons we at dapa Marketing are the leading freelance SEO consultant in London, is because we work with you to devise a plan which is suitable for you.
Many of our clients start small but aim big, so you could first of all target a localised campaign and then move on to bigger targets once you have met your aims, investing in more competitive keywords according to your own progression.
SEO is one of the most valuable marketing options because you can clearly see your return on investment when you work with dapa Marketing.
We provide you with monthly reports so that you can clearly see the improvements in the results of your website.
Whether you see an improvement in traffic, conversion rate or rankings, over time we can guarantee that you are able to see exactly where our hard work has gone.
So why should I choose dapa marketing for my SEO?
When looking for a freelance SEO consultant in London, you will likely be faced with many different offers from lots of companies all claiming to be able to do marvellous things, and it can be difficult to make a decision on who to trust with your valuable website.
dapa Marketing are an honest, trustworthy company who have a proven track record of success within the ever expanding industry of SEO.
We work with you to implicate the best campaign possible, never keeping you in the dark regarding your progress and ensuring that our processes are only doing the world of good for your campaign.
One such success story involves working with the biggest PPI claims company in the area on a national campaign.
Having worked with this company for a long time, they now appear at the top of the search results for many keywords and they have become the most widely used PPI claims company.
Another of our clients; a printing company grew in demand so much that they asked us to target less competitive areas because of the overwhelming amount of business they had coming in.
We have worked with a variety of clients from different industries and with varying aims, and we know how to handle each one.
We consider every client’s campaign to be individual, as one strategy does not fit all, and we research their industry well to ensure that the content we write is as high quality as possible.
As well as having a whole host of happy clients growing from being one man bands to national successes, dapa marketing also boast years of experience within this growing industry.
We have been keeping up with SEO trends for years, researching Google’s requirements and optimising our own strategies and ensuring that we are growing the success of our clients as well as using our SEO skills to our own advantage, and that’s why we have been leading the way as a freelance SEO consultant in London.
Along with all this experience also comes expertise. We are a 40 strong team of SEO specialists, and every member of our team has a valuable input in their niche area to ensure a quality campaign is maintained.
dapa Marketing consist of content writers, web developers, a strategy team, account managers, link builders and a research team, and together we are the leading freelance consultant in London.
We are all very passionate about SEO, knowing the value of good SEO, where it has got us and where it could get you. After all, if you make a success from SEO, so do we.
Having made our success from such an innovative idea, we also support companies of the same nature, so if you are just starting out with your business, we are here to support you and we know how to make you into a success.
How do I get started?
So, we’re guessing that if you’ve got to this point on the page, you are now completely sold on the idea of growing your company via the massive platform of SEO, and of course dapa Marketing, the leading freelance SEO consultant in London.
Well, you’ve made the right decision, and all you have to do to get the process started as soon as possible is get in contact with us.
On initial contact with us, we will then be able to discuss your campaign with you, gathering a good idea of your company and aims so that we can devise a strategy plan and proposal for you.
Once we have deciphered the best strategy, we will get to work on your campaign straight away, optimising the onsite element and then getting started on the link building process.
So if you’re ready to increase the visibility of your company and expand your online opportunities, call us today on 0800 634 3007 or contact us on our onsite form.
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