When writing content for the web, it is vital that you engage your reader and retain their attention after they have clicked on your link; keeping them on the page and avoiding a high bounce rate. A long chunk of text can be off-putting to read. These days, accessibility is key. Readers want to be able to pluck the information that they need from a page with minimal effort. Using titles correctly is essential for this.
So, What’s So Good About Titles?
Titles represent your content in search engines and social media; they essentially sell your content.
It is important to not only have a great headline, but to add enticing sub-titles throughout the content to lure your readers to carry on looking through. Think breadcrumbs and Hansel and Gretel.
By simply adding a few gripping titles that capture interest in strategic places throughout your content, it can be transformed into a piece to be proud of. Titles are more influential that you may first think, a good headline can actually prompt people share your content without having even read it.
We have put together a few top tips for your titles:
Make ‘em laugh.
Think anecdotes, alliteration, puns and wordplay. If your subject matter isn’t too serious and you have the chance to make a quip, why not?!
Throw your click bait into the pond of Google. Have a sense of urgency in your title, make the reader feel that they are going to miss out on something if they don’t click and see what you are on about. Instead of boring sentences that simply tell your reader exactly what you are going to talk to them about in your blog; make the title punchier, tell them how it will benefit them. Think;
“How updating your onsite content can make you thousands of pounds”
Instead of
“Why you should update your onsite content”
Announce New & Unique Insights
It is human nature to be curious, use attention-grabbing stats and figures to draw your users in. These kinds of headlines are great for press releases, as they present your audience with easily digestible data. The subject matter of the post doesn’t have to be brand new information; it can just be a new way of presenting a topic.
A few examples of how to start these headlines…
- X% of people believe…
- Statistics show that…
- New study reveal…
Make sure your titles are correctly optimised; targeted and sharable. Monitor any onsite queries and see what your customers are asking for, and check out your rivals and see how they are setting out their titles (take care not to duplicate!). Checking out Google Analytics and Moz to see which of your keywords have a good search volume and try and add them into your titles.
And if all else fails, you can always use an online title generator and brainstorm to stir up some headline inspiration!