SEO for Shopify: How to Dominate with Your New Shop
So, you’ve thought up a business plan, you’ve got some great ideas, you’ve set up your Shopify site and you’re more than ready to get started on your new project.
For many people, there is no doubt that Shopify can be your key to making your dream come true; starting up a business which you’ve always aspired towards.
What’s more, with Shopify, the opportunities really are endless.
Whatever services or products you are planning to sell, Shopify can be your answer, and selling all items, from coffee to leggings, there are many people out there making a huge success of their online shops.
Whether you’re a complete novice to Shopify, or if you’ve been working on your Shopify account for some time, you may have noticed that building your website is only just the first step in getting your business out there, and whatever you are selling, there is likely to be no shortage of competition, with everyone grappling for consumers to notice their brand above everyone else’s.
Many people build their Shopify site, brimming with motivation to fulfil their lifetime career goals, choosing their products carefully, and designing the site tastefully.
Then, after a few days, weeks, maybe months of initial excitement, their efforts grind to a halt as they realise the sheer amount of work and commitment which will need to go into the site to turn it into a success.
There’s no doubt about it, Shopify is a massive platform, currently powering over 377,500 stores. But how many of those stores succeed? And what does it take to become one of the successful few? Well, determination, hard work, and some serious SEO skills are to name but a few of the qualities.
With so many thousands of Shopify users, as well as privately hosted sites competing for business, it is important to make sure that your potential customers find your services and use them.
In this day and age, the most popular way of finding services and products by far is by performing a Google search for relevant keywords.
Every second, thousands of users fire up a Google search and type in something they are looking at investing in.
Out of these users, the ones typing in search terms relevant to your services are your potential clients.
However, if your Shopify site is lagging behind on page 53 of the search results, you are unlikely to be one of the lucky few who get the business.
In fact, even if your site is on page 2 of the Google search results, you are unlikely to be found by those potential customers, with over 90% of searchers only clicking on results which appear on the first page of a Google search.
So, in order to make your company a success, the only most efficient way to do so is to up your rankings and make it to the top of the pages.
This is no easy, feat, but at dapa Marketing, we are looking to make your life slightly easier, as we present you with the ultimate guide to SEO for Shopify…
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Get Started Now!What is SEO?
SEO is one of the most popular trending innovations currently, used as a marketing opportunity for companies to gain online visibility.
As the use of the internet and access to devices allowing people to connect anywhere increases, many people realise the importance of their Google rankings.
This means that SEO is becoming an increasingly prominent service for business owners to seek out, and in order to gain the most of this new phenomenon, it is highly advisable to take action as soon as possible to make sure that you are ahead of the game.
It is highly likely that you have heard of the term ‘SEO’ bandied around many times before, but not many people actually know what SEO exactly is.
SEO stands for search engine optimisation. It means developing the website, both the onsite and offsite features to increase the rankings on Google searches.
A website with good SEO will appear on the more forefront pages of a Google search than a website with poor SEO, which will rank on later pages, and sometimes not even at all.
How does SEO work?
Google uses robots to crawl websites and analyse them in terms of relevance, authority, popularity, and trustworthiness, by use of the scrutiny of a multitude of factors which all reveal the authority of a page. They are then ranked in order, and will be shown to searchers in this order.
SEO campaigns are generally based around keywords, so that your website will rank for keywords searched by potential customers, which are likely to bring in business.
If your website sells sports gear and is ranking for ‘farmyard equipment’, the campaign is not of much worth.
However, if your website sells ice cream makers and you rank for ‘make your own ice cream’ you are likely to find this lucrative.
SEO is a great way of developing your business, not only because optimising your website for SEO purposes will no doubt increase your website usability, but also because the higher up your website appears on their search results, the more traffic you will get, and the more business you will get.
SEO is great way of developing your business and growing your opportunities.
When done correctly, SEO for Shopify can transform a business from a one man band to a national success, and we have seen plenty of these cases occur right before our eyes here at dapa Marketing.
Whatever you are selling, if people are searching for it, and it’s you they find, you can make your business work.
Is Shopify a good SEO platform?
There is no doubt that there are some great features of Shopify; this massive platform allows many business people to start up an online platform from scratch with a certain amount of ease, and ready-made hosting.
Shopify is a great place to start for beginners opening an online business, or for people who already have an existing store and would like to take their business online.
Not only is your website almost guaranteed to be visually appealing, but this platform is very affordable.
Shopify is built with all the necessary mark-ups, from such as the ability to create discount codes and a blogging section, making for a great place to start spreading the word whilst keeping the costs down.
Not only this, but your web hosting appears to be more or less sorted, security is protected, and there is a handy Shopify just in case.
But, how will your Shopify site fare in terms of SEO?
It is true that your Shopify site has real potential for reaching the top pages of a google search, scoring as one of the highest ecommerce platforms for their SEO allowances, only second to Magento in research.
Shopify have made some real changes to the system, upping the potential for a great SEO campaign. So, what are the features which allow for good SEO for Shopify?
Meta tags and title tags
Shopify allow for easy editing of meta tags and title tags, which appear on the search results which people click on. Watch the character count and make sure they are all different to optimise these for your SEO.
Page headings
There is also an option to edit the h1 and h2 tags, meaning that you can include your keywords in the titles, relating to products, blogs or pages.
Image optimisation
On Shopify, it is also possible to optimise your images, via adding your own text and tags.
Canonical URLs
For some online stores, it can happen that a page can appear under several different URLs. This can be analysed by Google as duplicate content, and can lead to penalties from Google.
Shopify eliminates this problem, as it automatically generates canonical URLs which point Google robots in the direction of original content.
Shopify automatically generate a sitemap for each store, which automatically ups your anti in terms of your SEO for Shopify and therefore your Google rankings.
There are extensive opportunities to create blogs, which will increase your SEO for Shopify, allowing you to gain more authority and publish unique content, tutorials ad information about your business and appealing to more potential clients.
Integration with analytics
Shopify allows for integration with online analytics services where you can track the details and figures to do with your site, including the specifics of the traffic you are receiving, the popular pages, the bounce rate and much more.
When used wisely, these metrics will be of great use to you for seeing what is working and what isn’t, so that you can easily manipulate your website accordingly to up your SEO for Shopify.
So, to sum up, much like any other online platform, there are a multitude of devices which can be used to up your SEO, and ultimately your rankings on Google and your traffic.
Some of the SEO benefits are automatic; some are to be optimised by you, and some are completely down to you, for example the quality of the content writing, design and structure needs to be completely organised by you.
Much like any website, there are massive opportunities for SEO for Shopify, and there is no reason that a Shopify site should hold you back, although there are slightly more appealing hosting opportunities in terms of Google, such as a WordPress site.
SEO for Shopify can be a tough game, and there is no doubt that the SEO will not simply be done for you, and gaining the rankings you wish to achieve will take hard work, time and effort, but from years of experience, we can assure you that the benefits could be potential.
If you think your Shopify site is based on a good business idea, has potential, and you are ready to increase your market, there is nothing holding you back; now is the time to invest in SEO for your Shopify site.
Where do I Start?
So, now that you know the basics of what SEO is all about, we’re guessing you’re completely sold on the idea of upping your anti and beginning the SEO procedure to get your business noticed.
But where do you start on the process?
The first thing to think about is your audience: who are you targeting your website towards? This means thinking about your services and products, who your ideal customers are, what they are likely to be searching for in Google when they are looking for a website like yours.
If you are selling clothing, think about what type of clothing you are selling: Would it suit younger people or older people? What style of clothing is it?
This could be fashion, sport wear, casual wear, work wear, or evening wear to name just a few sectors of the clothing industry.
What kind of price range are you targeting? Will price be the appeal with bargain buys, or are you aiming to create a picture of quality?
Is the clothing suitable for men, or women, or either? SEO for Shopify needs to be highly relevant to your particular sector and audience, therefore these are all questions to consider when thinking about who you will be targeting for your SEO.
Once you have deciphered your audience, think about what your potential ideal customer is likely to type in to Google when they are searching for your products or services.
Try to think about this from a customers’ point of view, and avoid jargon and terms which your clients may not know of.
For example, if you are selling men’s’ office shoes, using terms such as ‘work shoes’ or ‘lace up men’s shoes’ instead of ‘brogues’, may be beneficial to you because some people will not understand the term ‘brogues’, which is a specialist term within the industry.
If you are struggling to know what terms your potential customers will be searching for, you could ask your friends, family and acquaintances about what they would search for, and if you are not sure about using a specialist term, ask others outside of the industry if they know exactly what it means.
If they are at all unsure about a term, it is best to steer clear of it, otherwise you risk losing customers over being a smart aleck. SEO for Shopify is all about being accessible to all potential clients.
From here, you can work out what keywords you could target for your SEO campaign.
As well as choosing keywords relevant to your services, also make sure that your keywords are specific enough to be aimed towards people who are actually looking to invest in your products or services.
For example, if your website aims to sell pieces of furniture, ranking for a word such as ‘chair’ is not likely to do you much good. ‘Dining chairs for sale, Leicester’, however, will be more tailored to your clients.
As well as being too generalised, short keywords like this are also very difficult to rank for, as you are likely to find yourself up against some major competitors who are not competition, but are SEO giants. For example, it would be a very difficult task to rank higher than Wikipedia for ‘chair’.
On that note, competition is another factor to take into consideration when choosing your keywords.
It is highly important to make sure that you go for keywords which are realistically achievable.
This often involves going for longer-tail, localised keywords, which a lot of people are searching for, but not many people are targeting. SEO for Shopify is a hard task, but by starting small and aiming big you are more likely to see results.
Once you have conquered ranking for the more specific or localised keywords, you can then start to look at targeting keywords which are more aspirational.
This could involve taking a campaign to a larger or more competitive area, such as London, or even aiming for national keywords.
This will be the next step towards increasing the size of your company and branching out with your SEO for Shopify.
dapa Marketing have much experience and specialist knowledge about keywords, and on receiving an enquiry, we work with you to find out all we need to know about your company, and then conduct extensive research to decipher which keywords will be the most fruitful for your campaign.
We then set to work straight away on your campaign, targeting the keywords which we have decided on.
Depending on the aims of the campaign, clients choose to target just one, several or a multitude of keywords. Generally, a campaign will move more quickly the more keywords which are targeted, but the process is generally a long term one, with results and returns seen within the first few months of a campaign being initiated.
Onsite SEO
SEO for Shopify consists of many tiny elements, all of which are important aspects, adding up to a great optimised website. Most of the time, SEO techniques can be divided into two sectors; onsite and offsite.
Onsite SEO is the basic backbone of your campaign.
Google considers the overall quality of your website in order to rank you in a position on relevant searches. This includes a multitude of factors, all of which need to be optimised to the max to get the best results.
As your onsite SEO improves, the effectiveness of your website will as well, as your website will look more appealing, and will be more usable for potential clients.
The majority of your onsite SEO will be visible to your visitors, and it will make for a much better overall usability, and will also increase your conversion rate at the same time.
So, investing your time and resources into onsite SEO for Shopify is a win win situation all round.
The visual appeal of your onsite SEO include the layout of the website, the sitemap, the calls to action, and other factors to consider are sitemap, meta tags, alt tags, and loading speed.
All of these elements are considered by Google robots as they crawl your site and place it in a ranked position.
At dapa Marketing, we have in house web developers who will optimise all of these key features on the agreement of your campaign, and will continue to check up on them throughout, to make sure that they are up to date with modern trends, and remain fully optimised.
Offsite SEO
Offsite SEO is all the behind the scenes work which may not be visible to your website visitors, but will do most of the magic towards getting your Shopify site up there in the rankings.
Much like for any other SEO campaign, one of the main techniques to get your website ranking is to build up the architecture surrounding the website.
When other websites and pages link towards your website, Google robots analyse it to be more widely used, recommended by others, and trusted.
Therefore building links towards your website will raise the authority of your website, thus rewarding you with higher rankings.
However, much like the other SEO strategies outlined in this article, it must be done well to take good effect.
If done without proper consideration or skill, you will likely be wasting your time, and potentially risk even doing more bad than good for your campaign.
If your links look unnatural, appear to be spam, or are generally all of poor quality, Google may even put a penalty on your website, meaning that you rank poorly or fail to rank at all.
To avoid these penalties and to make sure that your SEO efforts are worthwhile, the first step is to make sure that the links you build are of varying authority.
This means building some links which are of high quality, such as mini sites, and some links which are lower authority; these could be smaller pieces of content, such as comments on online articles and blogs.
Whatever content you write for whichever type of link you are building, make sure that your content is of high quality and is relevant to your campaign.
For example, if your website is selling home ware, comment on links which are relevant, such as ones about homes and interior design, and make sure that the higher quality links you build are also relevant, for example you could create a mini site based on the perfect modern living room, or the new kitchen trends in terms of accented colours.
If you are searching for inspiration, try searching for your keywords and any relevant blogs and see what ideas you can come up with.
When you are searching for SEO services, it is highly likely that you will be offered several dodgy deals from companies claiming to build a multitude of links towards your site in a very short space of time.
However appealing this may sound on first consideration, buying links in this way can be detrimental to your SEO, and it is highly advisable to avoid these companies at all costs.
Links which can be bought on mass are likely to be spam links, will look highly unnatural, and could well be copied content.
So, unfortunately if you want to do well at your link building and make a serious impact on your SEO, you will have to put some time and effort into the campaign.
At dapa Marketing, we have a team of content writers and link builders who are highly skilled in creating a range of links which are sure to up the ante of your site.
We own several hosting sites which we use to create the higher authority links, and we make sure that all content used is of high quality and is relevant to your business.
We have much experience in all industries, assigning content writers to their individual specialities and researching your area well before going in and writing some great quality content.
Important pages
In terms of SEO for Shopify, there are certain pages which are likely to help your rankings.
Not only will they help the usability of the website for any visitors, but Google will as well, rewarding you for including everyone with heightened rankings.
Home page
The home page is likely to be one of the main pages your potential clients land on when they enter your website, and it is highly important to make sure that it is doing your Shopify company proud.
The layout of your home page needs to be simple, modern and effective, with relevant infographics and good content which really reflects your company.
The home page is also a good place to do some serious marketing to sell your company and your products.
If a client lands on your home page and is not impressed, you are likely to end up with a high bounce rate and no conversions; not a good look when it comes to SEO for Shopify.
The main aim of your home page is to grab your audience’s attention and get them to navigate themselves on to the main purpose of the website.
To optimise your SEO for Shopify, use your home page to link to other pages which are more directed towards conversion, such as product pages, and consider using an online home page form which allows your clients to sign up to your products straight away on entering your website.
However, make sure that the form is simple and easy; anything with more than 3 boxes has been researched to be too long, making potential clients more likely to give up on it and get bored, moving on elsewhere to another company.
It is important to make sure that you link to all your important pages on the home page, and try to create easy journeys for clients, by making everything they could need a journey of just 2 clicks away.
Make the home page easy to take in; with a clear brand name, strap line, and text which can be skim read.
Any ambiguity as to what your company is and what you do will put clients off, and they will easily get bored of your site and move on to a competitor.
When considering your SEO for Shopify, it is important to make sure that any important elements are placed at the top of the page so that they cannot be missed by potential clients.
Much like all of the pages on your website, make sure that your contact details are visible at all times, to allow clients to get in touch just by searching the home page of your website.
Do not go overboard on selling on the home page or go into too much detail; instead just present all your sales pages in a clear manner in order to get clients towards other pages of the website.
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Get Started Now!About Us
One of the most important pages for a quality website is the About Us page. Not only does Google favour websites which include an About Us section, but it helps customers to see what you’re all about.
Google use robots to crawl websites and analyse what they are relevant to in order to rank them for various keywords.
The easier a page is to crawl, the better it will rank for appropriate keywords, and an About Us page will make the aim of your business much clearer to visitors.
Firstly, keep the About Us page entitled just that. Naming it something different such as ‘Our Journey’ will confuse Google and your potential clients, who just want things to be simple when they land on a new web page.
In terms of appealing to Google robots, the clearer things are to be analysed the better; Google favours websites which can be easily crawled and ranked.
The primary use for an About Us page is to let your clients know what your business do, what industry you are in, the services and products you provide, and to add a personal touch to your company.
Dedicate your opening few sentences to what your audience are trying to achieve by being on your website.
Then, state any impressive facts, figures or information about your business.
Are you the best local family shoe repair business in your area?
Have you won any awards for your services?
Has your business grown dramatically in a relatively short space of time?
Any of this information could be provided to entice your audience into believing in your business, products and services, making them more likely to invest in you.
When you are looking for a new hairdresser, you are most likely to listen to what their clients say about them than what they say about themselves, to get an accurate picture of it you can trust them.
No one can argue with your initial facts and figures, but keep the trumpet playing to minimum on your own behalf, and let your customers do the talking.
Including a few testimonials on your About Us page will make your website appear more trustworthy, and Google will also love you for it.
SEO for Shopify is also for the benefit of your clients as well as Google, and if clients love your website, so will Google.
Use multimedia to make your About Us page look more interesting and entice customers. This can include diagrams, graphs, and videos.
Videos are a great way of enticing people with short attention spans and selling your services.
Whilst it is important to focus most of your attention on the business itself and the facts, it is also a good idea to make yourself relatable to customers by including some elements of your own personality.
Write in a conversational style and your potential clients will relate to you and perceive your services to be friendly and appealing.
Having said that, SEO for Shopify is all relative to your individual industry. It is important to make sure that your About Us page reflects what your company is all about.
If your company is a funeral catering service it is best to keep it formal but still go with an easy-to-read style.
FAQ Page
The purpose of an FAQ page is to answer frequently asked questions about your business.
If you are not sure as to what questions would be appropriate for such a page, think of the questions you have been asked in the past, look through your email inbox for enquiries, or questions people ask when you first tell them about your business, products or services.
You could also ask family and friends for their opinion on what questions would be appropriate, as they would have opinions from an outside perspective.
An FAQ page is appropriate when you receive a lot of enquiries regarding the same question, and if there are a few questions which can be answered in a concise, straightforward manner.
Your FAQ page should be different to your About Us page, because it should deal with specific questions rather than an overview of your company.
Your FAQ page will be the go-to page for many customers who have common questions about your products, and if they can’t find the answer on your site, they may look somewhere else and purchase from a different company.
When used correctly, an FAQ page can lessen the anxiety that comes with purchasing a product online, which you cannot physically feel and see before purchasing.
When writing the questions for your FAQ page, write them as if you are the customer, for example ‘How long will my artificial nails last for?’.
Try to make the questions concise and easy to understand by using language a real customer would use.
When answering your FAQs, provide honest, accurate information and try to frame your own business in a positive light.
Demonstrate your knowledge by providing an in-depth answer, but don’t bore customers by providing too much information along with mindless waffle.
At dapa Marketing, we know how to create effective pages not only for your SEO for Shopify needs, but also for your clients.
Our in house web developer works alongside our content team to create optimised pages which will get you ranking in no time, and leave you with a higher conversion rate.
Content marketing on Shopify
You may have heard of the term ‘content is king’ when it comes to SEO for Shopify and when it comes to your website rankings, this certainly is the case.
Google robots analyse the content included on your website, and it is therefore important to make sure that your content is original, informative, interesting, and relevant.
Whether you are writing content for the website, such as product descriptions, the home page and other landing pages, or if you are writing content for the links you build, all of them should be quality, original content.
It is important to include the keywords you are targeting where necessary. For example, a localised landing page aimed towards selling sports bras in Birmingham, your keyword might be ‘sports bras Birmingham’.
Although it is highly likely that the keyword will naturally be included in your content, perhaps along with some filler words such as ‘in’ and ‘for’, which will do your SEO a world of good, it is important not to over-stuff your content with keywords, as this will cause your campaign to look unnatural, and you may be penalised by Google.
Make sure that when you are writing, your content is easy to read, interesting and is likely to be something that your potential clients would want to read.
It goes without saying that you need to makes sure that the spelling and grammar is perfect, and that the information is correct, but not copied from elsewhere.
When thinking up titles for blogs and pages, try to come up with something original and fun, with a catchy title. It is always a good idea to split your article into points, allowing for your readers to skim the information and making the layout more appealing.
You can also then tailor your titles, for example a Shopify store selling leather jackets may create an article entitled ’10 looks with leather’.
At dapa Marketing, we have a strong team of experienced content writers who know how to make your website appealing to potential clients, and optimised in terms of SEO for Shopify.
Optimising your Products
Hopefully, one of the main points of focus around your website is the products or services you offer, so we’re guessing you will be particularly interested in optimising your products. If your products are well optimised for SEO, they may appear in a Google image search, and they may even appear in the shopping results.
Not only this, but people who search for terms which relate to a specific product are much more likely to convert to actual clients. For example, a person searching for ‘Samsung Galaxy S7’ is more likely to buy than a person searching for ‘phone’.
Product pages are extremely important for your conversion rate. Even if a person manages to find your product page after performing a Google search, an unworthy product description, unappealing image or confusing page layout will quickly see the back of them.
There are several aspects of product pages which need to be considered when optimising them.
It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and for an online shop, this is often more than true. Images are a compulsory item for clients looking to purchase, and when optimised to the max, they can work wonders for your SEO.
When you are running an online store your images play a vital part in ranking all over Google.
For an online shop, images are a crucial aspect, and can be the difference between achieving a conversion and having a potential customer look elsewhere.
When uploading images, ensure that you have all the necessary rights to the images you are using.
Many Shopify users include pictures they receive from vendors and other online sources, but it is important to makes sure that it is fine to use them, otherwise you could find yourself in a sticky situation further down the road.
Alt tags are descriptions of the images on your website, which are used when the images cannot be accessed, or alternatively for the visually impaired.
Google looks fondly upon sites which are inclusive of all people, and providing these descriptions adheres to this need, so make sure that all of your alt tags are in place and appropriate.
Product Descriptions
Along with photos of your products, the descriptions are also just as important as an SEO asset. Not only does Google prefer products to have a description, but actual visitors to your site, i.e. potential clients also use product descriptions to sell the item to themselves.
People want to know the finer details about a product, and they also want to know that what they are buying is a quality item that they need.
Start by creating an original product description, different to description given by the supplier or manufacturer.
Make sure that the description given is accurate, appealing, full of benefits, and provides all information necessary for a person who will want to buy the product.
Information such as measurements will obviously need to stay the same and be copied, but any descriptive words can usually be changed.
Optimise the Technicalities of your Product Page
Just like the other pages of the website, such as the home page, About Us page, and any other landing, pages you will also need to apply the same onsite SEO techniques.
Firstly, consider the title page of your website. It is best to limit the length of the title; usually keep it between 50 and 60 characters long, and include the keyword you re targeting, which will usually be a product name.
The meta description for the product page should include the product name, brand and model number, should be around 150 characters long, and should be different to the meta titles on any other page.
Ideally also make sure that the URL includes text and not numbers, with the product title being the central feature, but also including the brand and model number if possible.
It is most likely that your new Shopify business is based around a product or service which you have passion for, whether that’s food, music, sports, or fashion.
Blogs can be a great way of expressing your love for your products, letting people know what you are all about, and creating an interest for potential clients, along with adding some personality to your site.
Through blogs, you can inspire others in your passion, include your products in what you share whilst adding a personal touch to your business.
Not only is blogging a highly current and popular trend, but the new algorithms that Google has introduced mean that blogging has become a major factor in good SEO for Shopify.
However, it goes without saying that you can’t just blog about anything and get significant results, so you will need to put some careful thought and planning into the blog in order to impress your visitor and achieve good SEO for your Shopify page.
So, where do you start when creating your new Shopify blog?
Most of the time, you can base your first blog around what inspired you to start the blog, a bit about you and your business, and letting your readers know how regularly you will be blogging.
Then, move on to blogs which relate back to your products and services. If your business is a massage service, you could write a blog entitled ‘What to expect from your first massage’, or ‘5 reasons to incorporate massage therapy into your health routine’.
When you’re blogging, it is highly important to make sure that you are writing material which is interesting, original, and has a personal touch.
A great blog will not only be relevant, but will also include personal opinions and so that your readers find interest in the material.
Where appropriate, write about your personal experiences, including any major events which happen in terms of your services and products.
For example, if your business sells specialist sports trainers, and you run a marathon wearing them, write about your experience and share it with your clients, whilst also mentioning briefly about your trainers and how excellent they were.
You can also include your own opinions in your blogs.
Write about topics people are going to have an opinion on, and include a comments section where possible.
This will spark up a conversation, adding more interest to your website and allowing others to express themselves too. Interaction with clients is a sure fire way to gain memorability and followers.
Having said that, whilst it is important to write about personal things, don’t make the blog too personal or controversial.
It is highly important to keep all your posts positive, and people will appreciate your outlook.
After all, no one want to read a negative, complaining business blog, and they may associate this negativity with your services, leading to lost sales.
Most people write a few blogs and then lose faith and motivation in doing so.
However, it is important to keep your blog regular and don’t quit, so that you keep your following.
It may take time to catch a regular following, and you could start with just a few people, but if your content is quality and you keep up the good work, over time you will start to see results and your patience will pay off.
Here are some other ideas to keep the inspiration going after you hit that wall:
- Events you have been involved in to promote your business
- Business achievements
- Details of any offers you have going on
- Tips regarding the products and services you offer
- Any upcoming events you are looking forward to which relate to your services or products
- A meet the team blog
- What inspires you
- What you enjoy about your business
- Any blogs which relate specifically to your business, services and products
If, like many other business people, you lack the time and motivation to keep up with writing blogs for your website, dapa marketing provide professional blog writing services for our clients, which are written by professional content writers.
We can either base our blogs around titles which you provide us with, or we can alternatively think of our own titles on your behalf and add them to your website.
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Get Started Now!Local SEO
SEO for Shopify is a massive trade, a long term project, and if you are just starting out with your SEO campaign, or if you have only just started your Shopify business, you may be considering starting first with a local SEO campaign.
A local campaign is the best place to start your campaign, and can make a substantial difference to the success of your business.
When looking for a service or product, many people search for their keyword followed by their location.
For example, if person is searching for a new iron, they may search for a key term such as ‘iron for sale Kettering’, or ‘irons Kettering’.
Even if you do not have a physical store, it is still worth aiming for a localised campaign. In fact, even if a person does not search their location alongside their keyword, Google can still access the searcher’s location and will take it into account when displaying the search results.
Any listed local businesses will appear at the top of the search results, followed by companies who have done a good job of targeting their SEO campaign both nationally and locally.
To appear at the top of localised search results, there are several SEO strategies to consider.
It is best to first of all target the location you are based, and then gradually expand into a wider area.
For example, start with your closest town, and then your city, and then follow on from that to target other cities or larger cities.
The first step in targeting a location is to build relevant landing pages for each location you wish to target, including the keyword where appropriate and natural.
For example, if your company specialises in selling protein shakes in Oadby, your landing page will be entitled ‘protein shakes Oadby’.
Your landing page should contain all relevant information for anyone who would be looking to purchase your supplies, and should include the keyword a few times, whilst making the optimisation look natural and not over-stuffing the content with keywords.
Within this page, you should link to your product pages, and aim to get more conversions from your clients.
Once ‘protein shakes Oadby’ has been conquered, and you are ranking well on the first page, or alongside this campaign, you could move on to other small towns nearby, or you could target the larger region of Leicester, with the key term ‘protein shakes Leicester’, by creating a landing page targeted to this key term.
Although this page is mainly for the good of your SEO for Shopify, you may start to rank for the term, and it is likely that customers will land on this page, meaning that it could be the first page some customers see.
For this reason, it is important to make sure that the localised SEO landing pages are just as good quality as other pages used for conversion.
Encourage clients who land on the location targeted pages to click on through the site to pages where they are more likely to convert, for example where possible link to product pages or a form page.
If your SEO campaign expands and your location is too limiting, remember that you do not have to actually be located in a particular place to target it with your SEO.
If you want to expand in a larger area, for example London, Birmingham or Manchester, create landing pages for these locations and you could start ranking for these areas too.
However, remember that for locations which are larger, have a higher population and more businesses, there will be much more competition and ranking for your key term may be much more difficult.
Even localised SEO for Shopify can be very time consuming and needs to be done with much care so as to make the results worthwhile and lucrative.
At dapa Marketing, we have a wealth of experience in scaling campaigns for clients in many locations, and we can advise on localised SEO as well as a national campaign.
We tailor each campaign to individual needs and can advise you on where to start; growing the campaign if necessary to target bigger locations and helping your business to develop in various areas.
Our in house web developer knows how to create a website which looks appealing whilst also having suitable landing pages. For example, if you do not want these pages to be places in the main options bar, they could be placed in the footer links.
Meanwhile, our content writers know how to optimise pages in order to get the most from your keywords, writing relevant, interesting and appealing content for all of your localised pages so that your potential clients are impressed by your website.
Competitor Research
Many start up business people overlook the importance of competitor research when considering their SEO. But, to really take your Shopify business to the next level, this is a highly important stage in doing so.
Once you have optimised your website to the best of your ability, you have not finished yet; it is time to consider your competition.
If you don’t know what your competitors are doing, what you have to compete with and what the current trends are concerning your industry, it is very difficult to make intelligent decisions about your own business to make sure that you keep your clients and gain any new ones which come through.
As well as this, it is almost impossible to achieve good SEO for Shopify without this knowledge. After all, however good your website is, a client is unlikely to pay double the prices for exactly the same product they can get somewhere else.
To start your competitor research, the first step is to identify who your main competitors are. Most people can think of perhaps a few physical stores and some major online competitors, but many business owners are unaware of exactly who they are competing against for the top positions for their targeted keywords.
To start this process, make a list of the keywords which bring in the mot traffic towards your website.
If you are not sure which these are, or if you are doing research before setting up your Shopify site, simply make a list of keywords which you are aiming to rank for.
It is highly likely that you will have visited your own website and some particular ones more than others in your industry, and Google will also take this into consideration when displaying the results by showing you websites you have previously visited first. Using an incognito browser will combat this issue, however.
Make a note of who is ranking on the first page. You can also type “” into a Google search, and that will return results for your websites relevant to your field and similar to yours.
Once you have made a list of all the websites which you perceive to be competitors, then start doing some research. Ask yourself the following questions about their site and any more which you feel are particularly relevant to your industry, and make a note of anything which you think is better than your own:
- What is the overall look of their website?
- What colour schemes and layout do they use?
- What target audience are they aiming towards?
- What products do they have?
- What is the pricing of their products like?
- How is the website laid out?
- What are their delivery options?
- What are their delivery prices?
- Are they offering any deals?
- Do they have call to actions and how obvious are they?
- What are their product pictures like?
- What are their product descriptions like?
- Do they use any forms?
- What do the forms include?
- Is their website optimised for mobiles?
- How do they use social media?
Once you have thought about the above questions, consider what out of those answers could be improved in terms of your own website.
It might not be possible to include all the good features you find on those websites without it looking silly, so be sensible and realistic about what you can include when optimising.
When comparing prices, you may not be able to undercut every competitor, but do not go overboard and put your business profits at risk; just make sure that your prices are in line with others.
Once you have researched your competitors and optimised your own site, make sure to then continue the good work by keeping up with the basics on the regular.
This means making sure that your prices stay consistent with your competitors as the market changes and that your website continues to look relevant in terms of SEO for Shopify.
You should be constantly maintaining your website anyway, but continuing to look at what your competitors are doing will ensure that you don’t miss a trick in your industry.
At dapa Marketing, on considering an SEO campaign, we make sure to conduct a vast amount of competitor research before we offer you the proposal and strategy.
If necessary, we will offer you a website rebuild and let you know the downfall of your website as well as what can be done to increase your SEO for Shopify. to really compete with similar companies.
Some do’s and don’ts for your Shopify SEO
DO consider your target audience at all times when designing and optimising your website. The limits to what you are able to sell on Shopify are endless, but your target audience is very specific.
Every aspect of your website should be based around your target audience, from the colour scheme to the content, to the keywords. Avoid any business-related jargon and makes sure that your site is interesting, easy to use, and relevant.
DON’T rush your content and write short pieces which are copied or irrelevant. Instead, take more time over the content you write and make sure it is original, interesting and informative.
Google will know if your content offers nothing new, rambles with no purpose or is just not trustworthy. Not only that, but customers will know too.
DO answer questions. Many people type questions into Google, and if your website provides the perfect, concise answer, you are on to a winner.
A perfect way to answer questions is to include a frequently asked questions page on your site, including any real questions which are generally aimed at your business.
DON’T set up a company page on every social media platform and then neglect them from thereon after. This is a common trend for many start-up businesses; they are often found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and every other platform, but when you click through their profile, there is little more than a couple of posts to show.
Not only will this be unappealing and boring for potential clients, but your business will look unpopular, and clients may even think you have closed down. Google will also regard your social media platforms as unpopular, and you are unlikely to rank for them.
DO link to your products.
Whether you are writing content for a page on your own website, or creating a link from another site, use the opportunity to link to your products where appropriate. Having said this, don’t go overboard with this phenomenon.
If every other word is linked to a product, the material is not likely to be very interesting for your visitors, and Google will also not appreciate this sentiment.
DON’T create spam content or links.
If your site is linked to websites which are low quality or appear to spam others, your own website will be analysed to be untrustworthy, resulting in low rankings.
You may also get a bad company reputation for spamming others, and people will not look fondly on your services.
DO engage with clients. If you have a blog, create a comments section, and if you have a social media account, makes sure to get back to your clients when they comment or make enquiries on your posts.
When you start to build up regular visitors or a following, they may make requests, perhaps asking for a blog on a subject, or answering a question about one of your products, and when they do so, adhering to their requests will gain you popularity instantly.
Google also want to see that a website is trustworthy with human interaction, so engaging with clients and potential clients is essential for good SEO.
What is the difference between SEO and Google Ads?
Most people are aware that Google Ads are the very first results which appear at the top of a Google search, notified by the ‘Ad’ symbol which appears before the website address.
When a business first considers their rankings on Google searches, Google Ads sometimes springs to mind as an option. It’s a sure-fire way to instantly get your Shopify business website to the top of the search results, so why not give it a go and see the traffic raking in?
Well, much like SEO for Shopify, it is not just that easy. Yes, Google Ads will put your website before anyone else’s, however research has shown that only a very measly 10% of people actually click on the paid Google Ads results, and the top 3 organic search results get around 60-80% of the traffic.
This is because searchers tend to trust organic results a lot more than paid results, and organic results are also more relevant to the searches people conduct.
A good ranking acts as a vote of confidence and popularity from many people who have previously used your services and have rated you well.
This means that people who click on your website after finding your organic search results will trust your services, your website and you, and are more likely to convert, and this is one of the main reason why organic traffic has the lowest bounce rate.
As well as being less lucrative than the organic rankings, it is also notable that every time a person clicks on your website, you will have to pay a set amount, depending on the competitiveness of the campaign. This charge can be between 50p and hundreds of pounds, and you will pay whether or not the client converts.
Whereas, an SEO campaign is an investment which will grow and grow over time. We are not promising that the results will be instant; if we did, we would be dishonest, however the results will be an investment, and the opportunities are endless for your campaign.
At dapa Marketing, we understand the importance of having a presence in the Google Ads section of the search results, to avoid missing out on the people who do click on those results.
There are advantages to Google ads too, as the results are instantaneous and you can clearly target your advert, including the time of day, the keywords and the budget you spend.
Alongside our SEO services, at dapa Marketing we also provide Google Ads management services.
We have the knowledge and experience to be able to manage a Google Ads campaign in the most effective way possible, using extensive research and planning.
Do I need an SEO agency?
Whatever industry you are in, it is likely that you are competing with a multitude of other businesses for the top ranked positions on a Google search.
With Shopify accounting for 372,061 businesses worldwide, there is no doubt that you are likely to be competing against numerous other businesses, some of which will have the advantage of having been established for many years and having extensive in house onsite teams.
Shopify is a major platform for companies with an online presence, and in addition to those companies there are a multitude of other big fish to fry.
With online marketing becoming increasingly important for all businesses, more and more companies are trying their hand at creating an online platform with SEO for Shopify and SEO for their websites in general.
Your website is one of your biggest marketing assets, allowing anyone and anyone to access details and information to your products and services, most of the time they can visually see what you have to offer, and you can pick and choose what you want your clients to see.
Not only that, but your website can showcase all you have to offer, including your services and products, and what better way to do it than via the most popular way to search for products by far? Google.
The only problem you face is that most of your competitor companies will also be grappling for the top positions on Google rankings, and only a select few of these entrepreneurs will actually make a success of their new business.
There is no doubt that SEO for a Shopify site is no easy task, but to stand a chance in the market, it must be dealt with.
At dapa Marketing, we don’t pretend that SEO is rocket science. If you know the basics of SEO, have some web development skills, design skills and writing skills, it is likely that you will be able to make a small difference to your SEO.
However, not many people have the time, experience and knowledge to be able to enforce a campaign which will really get them places.
Not only this, but many people find themselves in a sticky situation when they go about their own SEO. Many attempts at SEO campaigns are lost in the multitude of competing companies, and some even do more bad than good for their rankings.
If a campaign looks unnatural or forced, Google will enforce penalties, meaning that you will not rank well, or in worst case scenarios, your website will be stopped from ranking at all. This will mean that people can only find your website by directly typing your address into the URL bar.
The SEO rules are strict, so you have to be very careful when going about your SEO campaign. In fact, penalties have even been enforced on massive companies such as InterFlora.
If you only know the basics of SEO and are unsure as to how to go about your campaign, but you are ready to grow your online business via the gigantic online platform that is Google, dapa Marketing offer their professional, top notch SEO services.
From one man bands to international companies, we have worked with all sorts of companies, and we have extensive knowledge on SEO for Shopify.
SEO is an ever-changing industry, with Google constantly updating and developing their algorithms and robots which determine your position on the search results. Many SEO specialists and people who attempt to go it alone for their SEO for Shopify start off with some mild success but quickly fall behind when the requirements change again.
It can be difficult to keep up with the current trends which will maintain your positions at the top of the search results.
At dapa Marketing, we specialise in SEO, and we are experts in SEO for Shopify, and we are committed to keeping up to date with Google algorithms. We are a registered company approved by Google in SEO for Shopify; if Google trusts us, you certainly can too.
Having been the aid of many success stories of clients achieving their aims and beyond in the top positions of Google, ranking well and gaining a wealth of traffic, we know that we have the experience and skills necessary to make your campaign work for you.
At dapa Marketing, we treat every client as an individual, and we worth with you to find out what we need to know and make a strategy which works.
We won’t give you any false promises, and we certainly don’t pretend that your SEO will be an overnight process, but we do promise results.
We take your SEO campaign into our own hands; you can trust us to makes sure that you only achieve heights, and all that is left for you to do is sit back, relax and continue running your business.
Contact us today on 0800 634 3007 to discuss your campaign and see what we can offer you to expand and grow your business via SEO for Shopify the most innovative current marketing trend.
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