What I Learnt In My First Month Of Working In SEO

What I Learnt In My First Month Of Working In SEO

Written by: dapa Posted on: 16th November 2016 Share this post:

What I Learnt in my First Month Working in SEO

When I began working in SEO, I had only a basic knowledge of the strategies involved in heightening a company’s onsite visibility.  I dove in at the deep end, learning everything I could about SEO and the way the company worked. Not only have I learnt about SEO, but also about various clients, and the specifics to do with the nature of their various companies.  In a short time I have learnt so much valuable information; here are a few of the main points.

The Power of SEO

From the outset, I had only a basic knowledge of SEO, what it is and how it can be used to make a massively positive effect on a company’s onsite gravity.  Before working in SEO, I had never really thought about the way I search for a company or service, but since working here I have been thinking in depth about the keywords I tend to type into Google, and the different factors involved in the snap decision I make to click on a link.  I have realised how specific my searches are when I do obtain results worthy of what I am looking for.  One of the most obvious reasons to click on a particular link is their ranking in the search results.  It is much more likely that a searcher would click on one of the top search results, and the chances are very slight that a searcher should click on a link past the first few pages of search results.  If a website is high up in the rankings of a Google search, they are much more likely to have higher traffic rates, creating conversion opportunities and heightening the company’s online presence.

Website Content and Layout is Very Important

Good SEO is not just about having a presence on the first pages of a Google search.  Once the visitor finds a website, the first thing they see is the homepage or landing page, and if the content is unimpressive, all the hard offsite SEO work which has been achieved to heighten your rankings will go to waste with a high bounce rate, meaning that customers are leaving the site almost instantaneously after visiting.  A good homepage will have quality content, be aesthetically appealing, and have good conversion optimisation rates.

Realistic Expectations

Increasing a company’s online visibility is an ever-changing process because Google algorithms, company competitors, and general trends are developing and altering constantly, making the campaigns we work on slightly unpredictable month to month.  Although upwards movement is certain after some hard work, improving the SEO of a company is a long term project, and results can only be expected to be visible after a few months of offsite and onsite strategy.  However, the results tend to take a steep curve, and once the targeted keywords are on the move up the search results, they will soon speed up to the top spots where the main focus will then become maintaining those top spot positions.  It is also important that clients realise the nature of the business and that they can expect to see results, but the ultimate goal is a long term one.

Keeping Clients in the Know is Key

In any business involving relationships with clients, it is of vital importance to have an honest relationship with clients, keeping them up to date on their projects.  In SEO, it is particularly important to update clients regularly on their campaign, being clear about the tactics being used to raise their online search visibility and about the analytics of the site regarding the traffic and rankings, be it good or bad news for the week.  I have also found it is important to update clients on how their campaign is doing, suggesting website changes and SEO tactic changes where necessary and advising them where possible.

So far it has been a rollercoaster of an experience with so many opportunities for learning in many different areas.  I am positive this is just the beginning of a massive learning curve, and I am excited to see what the months ahead will entail.

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