Blogs were traditionally built on websites that enabled an individual to express their own feelings, opinions and product reviews. However, blogging is no longer limited to the written word and now encompasses a wide variety of social media platforms.
Blogs may be started on traditional websites such as WordPress, Wix or Blogger, but have now also spilt over to photography based platform, Instagram and video sharing platform, YouTube.
When building a blog, an individual must first decide what content they would like to share. If you are aiming to reach a specific demographic, you may wish to conduct research on current trends and reoccurring interests that are common influencers of your target age group. The content you share may also become a major factor in deciding what platform will work best for you, and as such both decisions should be made in the first instances of blog building.
Your target audience will affect what times of the day you post your content, and in order to maximise interaction with your posts you should understand when your peak posting times are. Social media posting tools will be able to help you organise your posts, but they do not replace the need for first hand interaction.
Networking is at the very heart of the blogging world, and those thinking to begin a blog should ensure they interact with fellow bloggers that post similar content. Tapping in to the audience of already established content producers can build your following and also strengthen your own brand.
Bloggers rarely operate on just one platform, and consistency across all mediums is key. It is wise to draw up a plan of the key words you wish your blog to encompass and be known for, as doing this will keep your content focused. Once you have an established theme, it is likely that you will attract new followers, simply by being known for posting a particular style of content.
Building an active following relies upon your ability to successfully sell the idea of your blog, and as with any profession it requires a great deal of time and attention. It is important to remember that if you do not post regular content on your blog, your followers will not be losing anything by “unfollowing” you, but you will lose audience attention.
Although blogging can become an individual’s main source of income, it is something to be enjoyed. This who want to build a long-term blogging career should choose a subject that will move with time, and consistently remain current. Ensuring you maintain motivation for your chosen blog subject will help you expand in to other avenues, and consequently make money from your content.